Life goes by so quickly. As a person, I feel like each day has its own unique highs and lows. This particular photo is one of my favorite photos of my daughter I have taken. It is 4 years old at this point but it is a timeless creation in my opinion. I love her expression and the colors. I love how it reminds me of her simple beauty. If you would have asked me while I was creating it if it would ever be one of my favorites, NO WAY! Let me tell you about that day, it was a rainy, dreary day at a point in my life which I felt like nothing was going right. Did she want to do the shoot, kinda but those curlers were no fun for her to wear at all! Lipstick, now that is another story! Was this a perfect picture the first time, nope. It took us literally 24 times to get one we both liked, all while her little brother was toddling around my studio. If you know anything about toddlers it is they are constantly on the move so that was a huge challenge! She has always been calm and wiser than in her years. She knew she wanted a photoshoot that day, and we were going to do it! That attitude is kind of like life, we are not always prepared for what is coming ahead but being open to trying is the key. If she wouldn't have allowed me to put in the curlers, the photo wouldn't have had as much pop. If she didn't want the lipstick the photo wouldn't convey all the sassy attitude behind the pose. I know I say it all of the time but take the pictures, enjoy the moments and feel the feelings!
P.S. If you have made it this far, you get a free 8x10 at your next session valid until August 31, 2021. Session must occur between June 1-August 31, 2021. Must mention this blog post to get free 8x10.